About us

Mayfair Partner

Our Value

At Mayfair Network, we value innovation as a driving force behind our success. We are committed to staying ahead of the curve by constantly seeking out new ideas and approaches to the luxury hospitality industry. We believe that through innovation, we can provide our members with the best possible experiences and services, from our network of nightclubs to our private jet and yacht services.

Our focus on innovation is reflected in everything we do, from the cutting-edge technology we use to the creative solutions we develop to meet the unique needs of our members. We strive to stay on the forefront of trends and developments in the industry, always looking for new and better ways to serve our members and enhance their overall experience.

At the heart of our commitment to innovation is a deep understanding of our members' needs and desires. We listen carefully to feedback and use it to inform our decision-making processes, ensuring that we are always meeting and exceeding our members' expectations.

Overall, our dedication to innovation sets us apart in the luxury hospitality industry. We are constantly pushing the boundaries and exploring new possibilities, driven by our commitment to providing our members with the best possible experiences and services.

Premier Team

Meet Our Team

Muklesur Bharuya


About Muklesur

Muklesur Bharuya, partner of TEN Premier, is an accomplished lawyer specialised in Fintech with a passion for hospitality. With dual qualifications as a Barrister-at-Law in England and Wales, and an Attorney-at-Law in France, Muklesur brings a wealth of legal knowledge and experience to the group.

However, it was Muklesur’s passion for startups in the hospitality industry that led him to partner with Ryan to found TEN Premier. His previous work as a consultant barrister at the City Launch Lab, a startup accelerator program at City, University of London, allowed him to provide legal advice to startups and break down complex legal concepts into understandable terms, making him an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs.

Muklesur’s expertise in fintech regulations is particularly valuable for TEN Premier, as it is a sector that demands a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape. As the author of “Navigating Fintech Regulations in the UK: A Legal Guide for Startups”, he has demonstrated his ability to provide startups with the legal guidance they need to succeed.

With Muklesur’s passion and expertise, TEN Premier is innovating in the luxury hospitality industry, disrupting the traditional model and offering unique and unparalleled experiences to its members.

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